Thirty years ago, in May 1991, the Walter Anderson Museum of Art opened its doors for the first time. In the decades since, it has become a site of pilgrimage for seekers of art, inspiration, and Southern culture. Over the course of this yearlong celebration, we invite visitors and communities to rediscover the lasting significance of “the South’s most elusive artist.”

Support the mission and receive limited-edition Walter Anderson gifts as tokens of our appreciation! Plus, every dollar contributed through membership or donation also earns you a raffle ticket for an officially-licensed and hand-painted Anderson block print (pictured below), courtesy of the Family of Walter Anderson.
Gift Levels
1. $50: 2 Koozies
2. $75: Mug
3. $125: Print
4. $250: All 3 levels
All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Officially-licensed Walter Anderson block print for raffle (pictured above):
After Walter Anderson
Printed by Carolyn Anderson, Painted by Linda Gilbrech
Puss in Boots
Silkscreen and Watercolor
Size: 47.25”x 18.5”
(Courtesy of Realizations and the Family of Walter Anderson)
Drawing will be held on Walter Anderson’s birthday, September 29, 2021