Cupid and Psyche: A Love Story
January 25 - March 30, 2019
In the 1940’s, Walter Anderson carved a series of 300 large-scale linoleum blocks. One of these blocks depicted the Greek myth, Cupid and Psyche, which tells the story of a mortal woman and a god who prove their love for each other through a series of daunting trials.
In 2017, The Walter Anderson Museum of Art conserved a rare Cupid and Psyche block print, damaged and nearly lost in Hurricane Katrina. WAMA pleased to present the newly conserved Cupid and Psyche block print alongside works that Walter painted of his wife, Agnes Grinstead “Sissy” Anderson.
These pendant love stories of Cupid and Psyche and Walter and Sissy reflect the central paradox of trial and belonging that the artist and his wife – and the mythological hero and heroine – shared.

2019 exhibition schedule presented by

Cupid and Psyche is sponsored by
Walter Inglis Anderson (1903-1965), Cupid and Psyche, 1945. linoleum block print and gouache. Gift of Leif Anderson.